• When a programme is set, the TV can be controlled from the PC using the RS-232C terminal.
The input signal (PC/video) can be selected, the volume can be adjusted and various other adjustments and
settings can be made, enabling automatic programmed playing.
• Attach an RS-232C cable cross-type (commercially available) to the Din/D-sub RS-232C for the connections.
• This operation system should be used by a person who is accustomed to using PCs.
Communication conditions
Set the RS-232C communications settings on the PC to match the communications conditions of the TV.
The communications settings of the TV are as follows:
Connecting a PC
9,600 bps
8 bits
1 bit
Baud rate:
Data length:
Parity bit:
Stop bit:
Flow control:
Communication procedure
Send the control commands from the PC via the RS-232C connector.
The TV operates according to the received command and sends a response message to the PC.
Do not send multiple commands at the same time. Wait until the PC receives the OK response before sending the
next command.
Command format
Input the parameter values, aligning left, and fi ll with space(s) for the remainder. (Be sure that four values are input for the
When the input parameter is not correct, “ERR” returns. (Refer to “Response code format”.)
C1 C2 C3 C4 P1 P2 P3 P4
a 30
Eight ASCII codes
Command 4-digits Parameter 4-digits Return code
Command 4-digits: Command. The text of four characters.
Parameter 4-digits: Parameter 0 — 9, space, ?
When “?” is input for some commands, the present setting value responds.
Response code format
Normal response
Return code (0DH)
Problem response (communication error or incorrect command)
Return code (0DH)
PC Control of the TV
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