Chapter 8: Memory Address on the ME-NET
The ME-NET employs a system for addressing individual memory banks in all of the connected
equipment by allocating address throughout the ME-NET. Therefore, the top address in any link area
which will contain in the data link parameters and memory addresses used for computer link
instructions must be a valid memory address in the ME-NET.
The relationship between memory addresses in Sharp PCs (JW20/JW20H/JW30H) and those on the
ME-NET are shown below.
8-1 Memory address for data links
The memory addresses(8) on the ME-NET correspond to the file addresses(8) in a Sharp PC (JW20/
(1) Memory address map (against JW20/JW20H)
- For details about the address range of relay link, register link, and the JW-21MN flag, see page
11-11 in this manual.
- The addresses that can be used vary with PC model in which the JW-21MN is installed and with
the memory capacity of the PC. For details, see the instruction manual for a particular PC.
JW20/20H address ME-NET address
Byte address
1 address = 1
Byte address
1 address = 8
File address
1 address = 8
Byte unit:
Byte unit: Octal
I/O relay 00000 to 03777
0000 to 0377
000000 to 000377 0000 to 00FF 000000 to 000377
Auxiliary relay 04000 to 06777
0400 to 0677
000400 to 000677 0100 to 016F 000400 to 000677
Latched relay 07000 to 07777
0700 to 0777
000700 to 000777 0170 to 01FF 000700 to 000777
10000 to 15777
1000 to 1577
001000 to 001577 0200 to 0037F 001000 to 001577
TMR/CNT contact
T-C000 to T-C777 001600 to 001777 0380 to 03FF 001600 to 001777
TMR/CNT current
b0000 to b1777 002000 to 003777 0400 to 07FF 002000 to 003777
09000 to 09777 004000 to 004777 0800 to 09FF 004000 to 004777
19000 to 19777 005000 to 005777 0A00 to 0BFF 005000 to 005777
29000 to 29777 006000 to 006777 0C00 to 0DFF 006000 to 006777
39000 to 39777 007000 to 007777 0E00 to 0FFF 007000 to 007777
49000 to 49777 010000 to 010777 1000 to 11FF 010000 to 010777
59000 to 59777 011000 to 011777 1200 to 13FF 011000 to 011777
69000 to 69777 012000 to 012777 1400 to 15FF 012000 to 012777
79000 to 79777 013000 to 013777 1600 to 17FF 013000 to 013777
89000 to 89777 014000 to 014777 1800 to 19FF 014000 to 014777
99000 to 99777 015000 to 015777 1A00 to 1BFF 015000 to 015777
Self diagnosis
result storage
E0000 to E1777 016000 to 017777 1C00 to 1FFF 016000 to 017777