Playback, 4-1 - 4-3
Erasing, 4-3
Date and time, 4-4
Normal Dialing, 3-6, 3-17
Number of Rings in FAX Mode, 8-1
Number keys, 2-2
Option Setting List, 9-4
Outgoing message, 2-10 - 2-11
Override ringing, 4-15 - 4-16
Paper jams, clearing, 11-5
Paper type setting, 1-10
Paper size setting, 1-10
Passcode List, 9-4
Passcodes for boxes, 2-12, 4-2, 4-3, 4-7
Pauses in automatic dialing numbers,
PC connection, 7-22 - 7-24
PC mode, 7-22 - 7-24
Play/Skip key, 2-2, 4-2
Polling, 7-10 - 7-12
Polling key, setting, 7-10, 8-3
Power cord, 1-6
Print head, cleaning,10-2
Print Set List, 7-6
Printing from a computer, 7-24
Priority Call, 7-3
Program and Group List, 9-5
Programs, 7-15 - 7-19
Rapid Key Dialing, 3-8, 3-17
Rapid Keys, 2-3
Reading glass, cleaning, 10-1
Recall Wait Interval, 8-2
Recall Times, 8-2
Receive unit setting,2-8,3-14
Reception mode, 2-8
Setting, 2-8
FAX mode, 2-8, 3-11
TAD mode, 2-8, 4-1
TEL mode, 2-8, 3-11 - 3-12
Reception mode key, 2-3, 2-8
Reception ratio setting, 3-13
Redial key, 2-2, 2-11, 3-9, 3-18
Redialing, 3-9, 3-18
Reminder Function, 7-20 - 7-21
Resolution, 3-3
Resolution key, 2-3, 3-3
Ringing volume, 2-24
Rec/Memo key, 2-2, 4-3 - 4-4
Rollers, cleaning, 10-1 -10-2
Scanning to a computer, 5-22 - 5-23
Search Dialing, 3-9, 3-18
Sender’s name and number, entering,
Slow Play key, 2-2, 4-2
Speaker key, 2-2, 3-6, 3-17
Speaker volume, 2-15
Speed Dial key, 2-2, 3-7, 3-17
Speed Dialing, 3-8, 3-17
Start key, 2-3
Stop key, 2-3
Storing numbers for automatic dialing,
2-20 - 2-22
TAD Program List, 9-5
TAD reception mode, 2-8, 4-1
TEL. LINE jack, 1-7
TEL reception mode, 3-11 - 3-12
TEL. SET jack, 1-7
Telephone, using as, 3-17
Telephone/Fax Remote Number, 8-2
Telephone line cord, 1-7
Telephone Number List, 9-3
Time, setting, 2-7
Timer operations, 7-13 - 7-14
Timer List, 9-3
Transaction Report, 9-6
Transaction Report Print Select, 8-2
Transfer function, 4-13 - 4-15
Two-in-one printing, 3-13
Volume Keys, 2-3, 2-24