Truly Multifunctional
The AR-M236/AR-M276’s standard printer
capability enables you to use your device as a
high speed, high quality laser printer from the
start. Utilising the unique SPLC (Sharp
Printer Language with Compression), fast
and efficient printing is available “out of the
box” for single user or peer to peer networks.
This printing function utilises either the
in-built USB 2.0 port or IEEE 1284
bi-directional interface.
The carbon copy feature allows you to
create your own multi-part invoices and
purchase orders, so there’s no need to
outsource printing or to use devices like dot
matrix printers. The AR-M236/AR-M276 will
conveniently print in a collated order on
selected colour paper.
The AR-M236/AR-M276 gives you powerful
printing functions such as web and e-mail
printing which allows you to select and
send PDF/TIFF files directly to your printer
without having to open the application
and printer driver first.
It is even possible to integrate an optional
Postscipt 3 driver should this be required,
in Macintosh environments for example.
Sophisticated Print
Where LAN environments exist, an optional
PCL6 Printer Board (AR-P17) with integral
NIC (Network Interface Card) can be added
to create a highly efficient network printer for
multiple users.
The confidential print feature allows
you to send and store a print job with an
assigned PIN code. Only when you walk up to
the machine and enter the corresponding PIN
code will your job be printed.
The proof print function also allows
you to send a multiple print job to the
AR-M236/AR-M276 where only one set will
be printed allowing you to check that the
settings you selected via the print driver give
the desired finished document before you
print the remaining sets. This feature saves
time and paper wastage.