LED flashing timing chart at the time of an error
100ms 400ms 1.6sec
1) Inverter/Lamp failure details (Flashes slowly once and flashes fast) Note
Center icon LED operationError type
Lamp failure
Flashes fast once
H: On
L: Off
Pins are monitor microcomputer pins unless other-
wise specified.
ERR_PNL(40pin): Hi failure. Confirmed after 8 consecu-
tive detections at 64msec intervals (detected only when
the backlight is on).
Note that after five detection counts, the lamp cannot be
activated except in the monitor process.
Accumulated counts are cleared to 0 by the setting in the
process A.
2) Power failure details
Error type
Main 13V failure
Flashes fast twice
Digital 3.3V failure
Flashes fast 3 times
Panel 12V failure
Flashes fast 5 times
Flashes slowly twice and flashes fast)
Center icon LED operation
H: On
rq_q I
L: Off
H: On
L: Off
H: On
_ R_ RTL F1
L: Off
Pins are monitor microcomputer pins unless other-
wise specified.
DET_13V(38pin) failure (L). Main 13V is not applied.
If error is detected during start-up or operation, the power
is turned on again by polling.
DET_D3V3(36pin) failure (L). Digital 3.3V is not applied.
If error is detected during start-up or operation, the power
is turned on again by polling.
DET_PNL12V(35pin) failure (L). Panel power is not
Detection is started after turning on the panel power and
receiving command; the power is turned off by polling.
3) Communication failure details (Flashes slowly 3 times and flashes fast) Note
Error type
Initial communica-
tion reception failure
Flashes fast once
Start-up confirma-
tion reception failure
Flashes fast twice
Regular communica-
tion failure
Flashes fast 3 times
Other communica-
tion failure
Flashes fast 5 times
Center icon LED operation
H: On
L: Off
H: On
L: Off
H: On
L: Off
H: On
_ H Iq RZI
L: Off
Basically, debug print logs are analyzed or commu-
nication logs are analyzed by a bus monitor.
Initial communication from the main CPU is not
received. (Request for the monitor model No. is not
--> Communication line failure or main CPU start-up fail-
Start-up reason confirmation from the main CPU cannot
be received. (Start-up communication until start-up rea-
son notification command is not received.)
--> Main CPU start-up failure or monitor microcomputer
reception failure
Regular communication that is performed at 1second
intervals in the normal operation is interrupted.
--> Main CPU operation failure or monitor microcom-
puter reception failure
When a request (PM_REQ=H) is sent from the main
microcomputer, the request command is not output
from the main CPU, etc.
--> Main CPU operation failure or monitor microcom-
puter reception failure