Frequenzkonstanz bei
Temperatur zwischen
-10° C und +500 Cfür
Betriebsspannungen von besser als i: 3,5 kHz
1,5V bis 5 V. . . . . . .
HF-Ausgangsleistung an
einen Lastwiderstand
von 50 D. .. ..
Modulationsart. . . .
Nennhub/Spitzenhub . .
NF-Eingangsem ptindIich-
keit maximal. . . . . . 4 mV/i: 40 kHz-Hub (typ.)
Abschwächung in 8 Stufen
um maximal. . . .. 46 dB (typ.)
Signal-Rauschabstand bezogen auf Nennhub/
< 4.1O-9W
i:40 kHz/i:56 kHz
a) CCIR 468, Spitze. 75 dB/81 dB (typ.)
b) Kurve »A«,effektiv. .. 90 dB/96 dB (typ.)
(EmpfindlichkeitssteIler Pos.1)
Regelbereich mit Limiter
abhängig von der 4 mV/30 dB (typ.)
gewählten Empfindlichkeit 800 mV/ 0 dB
Klirrfaktor (Kges. 1.000 Hz),
Nennhub. . . . . . . . < 1% 1 dB
NF-Frequenzgang. 40 Hz bis 20 kHz:: 3 dB
Abfall oberhalb der oberen
Grenzfrequenz 18 dB/Okt.
Preemphasis . . . .. 50/1s
Spannungsversorgung 3 Stck. 1,5-V-Batterien
Type IECLR03 "Micro«
Stromautnahme bei Nenn-
spannungvon4,5V.. ;:;;80 mA
Betriebszeit. . ca.4,5 Stunden
(Lx B x H in mm) . .
Gewicht einschI. der
92 x 52 x 17
ca. 1809
Abweichungen fürSK2012.9
Nennhub/Spitzenhub. . i: 8 kHz/i: 11kHz
NF-Eingangsem pfindlich-
keit max. . 4 mV/i: 8 kHz-Hub (typ.)
NF-Frequenzgang. 40 Hz bis 12 kHz:;: 1 ~~
FTZ-Nr. Rf2- 73/86
SK2012-9 and
The Mikroport pocket transmitters SK2012-9
(narrowband) and SK 2012-90 (wideband) are
designed as single-channel transmitters and in-
tended fm the frequency range 138to 250 MHz.
Together with a connected microphone thetrans-
mitters createwireless microphones 01the highest
quality. The Ilatconstruction and minimal dimen-
sions meanthese units are particularly weil suited
lor occasions when they must be worn as unob-
strusively as possible, as is the case in lilm and 1V
productions, lor example.
80th transmitters areequipped with the noise sup-
pression system "HiDyn" lor reducing disturbances
and improving the S/N ratio.Together with the
receiver,likewise litted with this system
(e.g.EM 1036),a transmission line 01outstanding
reliability and high transmission quality is
Microphone selection
There is a choice between the three Lavaliermicro-
phones MKE2-2 R (omnidirectional characteristic),
MKE 10-2 R (omnidirectional characteristic) and
MKE40-2 R (cardioid characteristic) equipped with
a special plug. The supply voltage required lor
operating these electret microphones is at the
transmitter's microphone input.Dynamic micro-
phones or other low-resistance sources can be con-
nected via a coupling condenser 01approx. 10flF
(+ Poleon mitidle contact), which hasto be litted in