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A mysterious land mass called “Onyx Island” suddenly
appears in the south seas as if out of nowhere... The
super-fast blue hedgehog, Sonic, and his best buddy
Tails head off to search for clues as to what might have
“This has gotta be another one of Eggman’s schemes!”
Sonic’s hunch proves to be correct. As soon as they
arrive at the island, they spot Dr. Eggman already waiting
for them. As Sonic confronts Eggman, he triumphantly
holds up a card. Sonic and Tails are shocked to see that
the card bears a picture of their friend, Amy Rose.
“Do you know what this is, Sonic?”
"I’ve sealed that little brat away inside this card!”
“Ha! Do you really think we’ll believe that?”
While Sonic simply brushes off Eggman’s supposedly
ridiculous story, the more scientifically-minded Tails takes
things more seriously.
“It might not be all that easy to believe, but it could be
possible for matter to be broken down at the atomic level
and stored as digital card media...”
As Tails’ quavering voice reaches Sonic’s ears, there is a
sudden blinding flash, and when it fades, Tails is gone. In
Eggman’s hand is a new card bearing Tails’ image. Sonic
stares in panicked disbelief. Then, who should appear but
Knuckles, Sonic’s more “physically assertive” friend.
“Eggman! You’re behind the disappearance of the Mas-
ter Emerald, aren’t you?!” Knuckles says.
Eggman smiles, drawing from his bag another card,
emblazoned with the Master Emerald.
“Soon, everything in this world will be nothing more than
another entry in my lovely card collection! If you think you
can take your precious things back, then just you try it!
Ha ha ha ha ha!”
After issuing his challenge, Eggman takes off and flies
Sonic and Knuckles vow to take him up on that challenge
in order to take back what is in those cards.
“Sorry, Sonic, but this concerns the Master Emerald. This
time, I’M going in first!”
“Okay, Knuckles! Let’s just see which one of us gets there
At the same time, the mysterious black hedgehog, Shad-
ow, arrives on Onyx Island, along with Silver, a guardian
from the future, both seeking Eggman’s cards.
Who will be the one to get the cards back from Eggman
first? What is Eggman’s true purpose in baiting these four
to compete?
Control Action
Load Prole Manually load your Prole.
Save Prole Manually save your Prole.
Clear Prole Delete your Prole and create a new one.
Autosave Toggle the Auto Save feature ON/OFF.