Air leakfror_S_,fetyValve
ingenough airtooperate
PossibledefectinSalety Valve. (_rate safetyvalvemanuaJlyby pulting on dngoif
vaJvestill ieaks,itshouldbe re_laced.
Defective Check Valves. i_move and cleanor repl_ce.
v_,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,_ -. , , .....
Prolongedexcessive useof air. 0ecrease amount of air usage.
Compressor is not large enough
for air requirement.
Restrictedair intakefilter.
Holetn hose.
Cheek Valve restricted.,
Air leaks.
Checkthe accessoryairrequimmerd.If it is higher
than the SCFM or pressuresupplied by your a_r
compressor, you needa _argercompressor.
Cleanorreplaceair intakefiller, Donc_operateIhe
air compressorinlhe paint spray area.
Checkand replace ifrequired,
Removesnd clean or r_place,.
Tighten fittings, (See Air Leaks Section of
Molor Wllt NotRurl
.... _ubleshooting Guide.)
Motor overloadprotectionswitch Lit motorcoo! off and overloads_tch wtftauto-
has tripped° n',atlcsllyreseL
Tank pressureexceeds pressure
_witch "cut-in" pressure,
Motorwill start automatlc_Jiywhen tank 1oreseure
dropsbelow °'cut-in" pressureofpressureswilch.
Wrong gauge wire or length of
Che¢_ forproper gauge wire andcord length,
CheckValvestuck open.
Loose electrical connecltonso
Possibledefective capacitor,
Paint spray on internal motor
Possible defective motor,
Fuse blown, circuit breaker
Pressurerelease vatve on _res.
sure switch has no1 unloaded
Removeand clea.nor replace_
Check wiring connection inside pressureswitch
and terminal box area.
Return to Sears Service Centertor ir.spectionor
replacementif necessary,
Have check,L_ at Sears Service Center. Do not
operate the compressorin the paint spray area,
Si_eflammable vapor wartungon p_ge 3.
Have checkedat a Ioce_Sears Servlce Center.
t._Che_kfuse box _r btownfuse randreplace if
necessary. Re-set circuitbreaker°Oo not use a
fuse or circuitl:_aker withhigherr_tJngthan that
s;)eotfied for your particularbranch circUlL
2. Check for proper fuse: only 'Fusetren" type T
fuses are acceptable,
3, Checkfor low voltageconditionsandtor proper
4,Disoonnecl theother elec_icaiappliancesfrom
ctmult or operate theoompessoron itsownbranch
Bleed the fineby pushingtheleveron thepressure
switch to the "Off" position;if the vaive does not
open, replace it
R_guiatorknob - con|inu-
OUSsir leak,,Regulatorwltl
not shut-offat air outlet.
Dirty or damaged re_ju_a_orinter-
nal p_,rts,
Cle_n or r_ptace regulator, or internal parts.