Adjustment Procedures
• If the roll pressure is too high, then the footprint looks like:
This is the case if the ends of the footprint (measured 1’’ from either side) are at least 1mm (0.04’’)
wider than the middle.
Change the pressure as described below.
• If the roll pressure is too low, then the footprint looks like:
This is the case if the ends of the footprint (measured 1’’ from either side) are at least 1mm (0.04’’)
smaller than the middle.
Change the pressure as described below.
• If the footprint is narrower (or wider) at one end, and the other
end has the same width as the middle of the footprint, then the
pressure at only that narrower (or wider) end of the machine
should be increased (or decreased).
In general: for either side of the machine counts:
end narrower than the middle
increase pressure at that end
end wider than the middle
decrease pressure at that end
Changing the pressure
8. To change the pressure, place the 10mm
open-ended spanner on the M6 nut, that is
directly under the compression spring (so, the
upper jamnut, see figure 29, white arrow).
9. Rotate clockwise to decrease the pressure,
counter-clockwise to increase the pressure
(seen from top).
Rotate the jamnut only half a turn on either
10. Make a new footprint (go back to step 5)
fig. 29