My terminal feels hot, is this normal?
Yes, because the electronic components inside generate a lot of heat. To prevent overheating, avoid blocking the
air vents on the top and sides and do not place the terminal in enclosed furniture.
Can I leave my terminal on all the time?
Yes, but we recommend turning it off after use.
Does the terminal support the Second Audio Program (SAP) function?
Yes. The terminal can convert SAP even though very few programs are designed to support this function.
Does the terminal show support closed-captioned programs?
Yes, if a closed-captioning decoder is connected to the TV. The terminal relays the information but does not decode it.
Can I use a DVD player or DVD recorder with the terminal?
Yes, because the two devices work independently of each other.
Is the VCR+ function on the VCR of any use with the terminal?
No, this function is only used to record the analog signal.
What connects to the USB port and what is it for?
USB is a computer standard. The port is used to connect peripheral devices: keyboard, mouse, scanner, printer,
diskette storage drive. At this time, the USB port on the terminal is not operational but it will be in the near future.
Can I turn on my TV and the terminal at the same time?
Yes, but if your TV is an older model, you will have to:
Connect the TV to the CA output on the back of the terminal.
Press the SETTINGS button twice on the terminal’s keyboard or remote control.
Select Settings: CA output and press SELECT.
Select “Avec le terminal” (with the terminal), press SELECT and SETTINGS.