Command ESC IP0 Parameter
Hex code <1B>16 <49>16<50>16<30>16 e, d, k, a, u, m, f,p, s, t, c, n
Initial value Nil
When power switch is
The set command is not maintained.
Valid range within item The set parameter becomes invalid.
Valid range
and term of
Valid range between
The set parameter becomes invalid.
This is a control function for Writing data to Gen2 RFID tag.
<IP0> e: x , d:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, k:xxxxxxxx, a:xxxxxxxx, p:xxxxxxxx, u:x….x, m:xxxxx,f:x, p:xx,
s:xx, c: xx, t:x, n:xxxxxxxxxxxx;
e = [EPC Type]
a: EAN128 SSCC 96
c: EAN13 SGTIN 96
z: free mapping
d = [EPC Data] 24 digits if ‘e’ = z
17 digits if ‘e’ = a
13 digits if ‘e’ = c
Parameters when ‘e’ = Free mapping
k = [Kill code] (Max. Data Length is 8 bytes, Data should be Hex (0 to F))
a = [Present Access Code] (Max. Data Length is 8 bytes, Data should be Hex (0 to F))
p = [New Access Code] (Max. Data Length is 8 bytes Data should be Hex (0 to F))
u = [User Memory] (Max. Data Length depends on the tag manufacturer, Data should be Hex
(0 to F))
m = [Locking of blocks] (5 digit Mask, 0: Unlock 1: Lock)
Mask byte (digit
from right)
EPC Area (d) 00001 (0)
Kill Code (k) 00010 (1)
Access code (a) 00100 (2)
TID Area 01000 (3)
User Memory (u) 10000 (4)
When e = “a” (EAN128 SSCC 96) or “c”(EAN13 SGTIN 96)
f = filter value (a value between 0 and 7)
s = total number of digits for serial reference (Should be any value with 5 to 11, a combination
of s and c should be 17. Applicable only if
EAN128 SSCC 96 is selected)
t = total number of digits for item reference (Should be any value with 1 to 7, a combination
of s and c should be 13. Applicable only if
EAN128 SSCC 96 is selected)
EPC Code Write