PJ-Net Organizer
Serial port setting
Serial port setting
Set up the extra serial port of this product. Click on the Extra Serial Port Setting
linked text on the main menu and the following setting page will be displayed. To
communicate with external equipment correctly, software communication conditions
must be set to the same values as that the connected equipment is using. After fix-
ing the setting, press the Set button*
. Enter your note into the comment column
and press the Save button.
Setting Items Description
Baud Rate Communication speed for serial port, select with popup menu button.
Parity Parity check, the ways for errors detecting of transferred data.
Stop Stop bit, indicates the end of communication.
Flow Control Ways for communication flow.
Data Indicates the length of data.
Port Indicates the port number of TCP/IP. The default number is 23. Use the
same port number specified by application. There are some reserved port
. If one of those port numbers is used, the alert dialog window will
appear and let you know that it is an invalid port number.
*1 This product will logout and restart automatically when the port number is changed and it
takes about 40 seconds.
*2 The reserved port numbers are http (80), ftp (21), telnet (23), etc.