Write Message
You can write a new message.
1. Dial [1] from the [Sent message box] screen to Select [1.Write Message].
Select [1.New message] to display the Write New Message screen below.
Figure 6.70 Write New Message
♦ Enter the extension number.
♦ Enter the contents of the message.
2. Press the [Enter] button to send the message.
3. You will need be asked whether you wish to save the sent message. To save the
message in Outgoing messages, select [OK] and press the [Enter] button.
♦ 4.If there is a transfer failure, a screen inquiring whether you wish to save the
message in the Reserved (Invoke) message box is displayed. Select [OK] to
save the message and press the [Enter] button .
Writing messages through Outgoing message
Sent messages saved in the Outgoing message box can be retrieved and sent again
or edited.