Chapter Contents
• A total of 20 items of connection information can be added to the camera.
add new devices/destinations (=
• To add Web services to send images to, install CameraWindow and
complete the settings in CameraWindow (=
• Toaddasmartphoneasadevice,rstinstallthededicatedapplication
CameraWindow on your smartphone.
• Toaddacomputerasadevice,rstinstallthesoftwareCameraWindowon
the computer. Also check your computer and Wi-Fi environment and settings
215, 217).
• Do not use the camera near sources of Wi-Fi signal interference, such as
microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, or other equipment operating on the
2.4 GHz band.
• Bring the camera closer to the other device you are trying to connect to
(such as the access point), and make sure there are no objects between
the devices.
• Thedestinationdevicehasinsufcientstoragespace.Increasethestorage
space on the destination device and resend the images.
• The write-protect tab of the memory card in the destination camera is set
to the locked position. Slide the write-protect tab to the unlocked position.
• Images cannot be resized to be bigger than the resolution setting of their
original size.
• Movies cannot be resized.