10.2 <
Using Document Box>
Box Adding Screen
You can create a new box to store your scanned data. To add a new
Document Box, press Add on the Document Box screen.
The following are some constraints about the document box.
• You can create maximum 100 document boxes.
• A document box can contain up to 200 stored-documents.
• The length of a box name is limited to 20 characters.
• Common ( ) box is already created by default.
- Box Name: Enter a box name.
- Owner: Enter the user name of the box's owner.
- Secured Box: Check to make a secured-type box.
- New Password: Enter a new password to access the box.
- Confirm Password: Enter the password again.
Edit a Box Screen
You can modify a box name or an owner name. To modify a Document
Box, select a box from the Document Box list and press Edit.
- Box Name: Enter a new box name.
- Owner: Enter a user name of a box.
Document List Screen
You can enter a document box by clicking Enter from the Document Box
screen, you can use the stored documents again.
- Document Name: Shows the document’s name.
- Owner: Shows the user name of a document.
- Date: Shows the date of a document stored.
- Page: Shows the number of total pages in the document.
- Add From Scan: Lets you add a new document from scanning.
: Shows a document’s information.
- Search: Searches a file with a document name or an owner name.
- Edit: Lets you to modify a document name and an owner name.
: Deletes the selected document.
- Copy: Copies a selected document to another document box.
- Move: Moves a selected document to another document box.
- Combine: Merge documents located in two or more boxes.
- Send To: Sends the selected document(s) to a destination such as
e-mail, fax, server, or USB.
- Print: Prints the selected document(s) out.
- Back: Returns to the previous screen.