99 Change playback speed of the recording.
There are two levels of speed during playback.Dialing this code will toggle
between the two speeds.
0 Play options.
Pressing this key will play all the menu options available to you from this
00 Hear the time and date, and sender's information of the message you just
heard.Sender information is not available on outside calls.
# Move to the next message.This does not Save or Discard the current mes-
sage - it is retained as new.
## Scan. Plays first 7 seconds of a message then skips to next message.This is
similar to the scan button on a radio.It will allow you to find a specific mes-
sage quickly.To stop scanning press [1].
Cancel and return to previous menu.
11 or 33
Messages can be grouped as either Reminders,press [3] or Messages from a spe-
cific sender, press [9].
Additionally you can press [#] and hear a summary of your mailbox contents:
a) Number of messages
b) Number of reminders
c) Number of urgent messages
d) Number of messages needing a callback
e) Number of private messages
f) Number of fax messages
This option is used to send a message to another subscriber.The steps are simple:
a) Enter the recipient’s mailbox number, or if this is not known enter [#] to use
the system directory.
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b) Record your message at the tone.After recording the message,you will hear
the Send Menu with the following functions:
1 Review
2 Continue Recording
3 Discard and Re-Record
4 Set Message Attributes (Delivery Options)
5 Schedule Future Delivery
6 Save and Send then Send a Copy to Someone Else
# Save and Send the Recording
Setting Message Attributes
If after recording a message you select [4] you can set up any combination of the
following delivery options:
1 Urgent Delivery
2 Return Receipt Requested
3 Request a Call Back
4 Private Delivery
5 Reply Required
Scheduling Future Delivery
If after recording a message you select [5] to schedule future delivery,you will be
able to set message attributes and set this message as:
# Immediate Delivery
1 Next Few Hours
2 End of Current Business Day (based on your Availability Schedule)
3 Beginning of Next Business Day (based on your Availability Schedule)
4 A Coming Day of the Week
5 Specific Day / Time
The Access Manager allows the subscriber to set a number of options for when,
where and how, and/or if the SVMi E-Series contacts you when a caller dials your
extension number.All of the options are toggled on/off based on their current sta-
tus when you access them.
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