If any parts are missing or defective,
DO NOT return this product.
Please call our Customer Service Department for assistance.
800-233-9054 Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST
Thank You
This Salton, Inc. product wa r r anty extends to the original consumer purchaser of the product.
Warranty Duration: This product is wa r ranted to the original consumer purchaser for a period of one
(1) year from the original purchase date.
Warranty Cov e r age : This product is wa r r anted against defe c t i ve materials or wo rk m a n s h i p. This wa r -
ranty is void if the product has been damaged by accident, in shipment, unreasonable use, misuse,
neglect, improper serv i c e, commercial use, repairs by unauthori zed personnel or other causes not
a rising out of defects in materials or wo rk m a n s h i p. This wa r ranty is effe c t i v e only if the product is pur-
chased and operated in the USA, and does not extend to any units which have been used in violation
of written instructions furnished by Salton, Inc., or to units which have been altered or modified or to
damage to products or parts thereof which have had the serial number removed, altered, defaced or
rendered illegibl e.
Warranty Discl a i m e rs : This wa r ranty is in lieu of all wa r ranties expressed or implied and no repre-
s e n t a t i ve or person is authori zed to assume for Salton, Inc. a ny other liability in connection with the
sale of our products. There shall be no claims for defects or failure of perfo rmance or product fa i l u r e
under any theory of tort, contract or commercial law including, but not limited to, negligence, gr o s s
n e g l i g e n c e , strict liability, breach of wa r ranty and breach of contra c t .
Warranty Pe r fo r m a n c e : D u ring the above one-year wa r ranty period, a product with a defect will be
either repaired or replaced with a reconditioned compara ble model (at Salton, Inc. option) when the
product is returned to the Salton, Inc. facility within the wa r ranty period and an additional one-month
p e ri o d . No charge will be made for such repair or replacement.
S e r vice and Repair
Should the appliance malfunction, you should first call toll-free 1-800-233-9054 between the hours of
9:00 am and 5:00 pm Central Standard Time and ask for CUSTOMER SERVICE stating that you are
a consumer with a probl e m .
I n - Warranty Service (USA) for an appliance covered under the wa r ranty period, no charge is made
for service or postage.
I n - Warranty Service (Canada) for an appliance covered under the wa r ranty period, no charge is
made for service or postage. Please return the product insured, packaged with sufficient protection,
and postage and insurance prepaid to the address listed below. Customs duty/broke rage fe e, if any,
must be paid by the consumer.
O u t - o f - Warranty Serv i c e : A flat rate charge by model is made for out-of-wa r r anty serv i c e. I n c l u d e
$15.00 (U. S.) for return shipping and handling.
Salton, Inc. cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage during incoming shipment. For your pro-
tection, carefully package the product for shipment and insure it with the carri e r. Be sure to enclose