Grilling Guide
The following times are to be used as a guideline only. Preheat the Grill for eight minutes.
Cooking times will vary due to the cut or thickness of the meat being cooked. To be sure
that the food is done, use a meat thermometer. If the food is not quite done, continue to
cook and check periodically so it is not over cooked.
Food & Temperature Approximate Special
Quantity Setting Cooking Time Instructions
Hamburgers, Medium High 12-15 min. Turn halfway
4 oz. each, 3/4" thick through cooking time.
Hamburgers, Medium High 15-18 min. Turn halfway
8 oz. each, 1" thick through cooking time.
Ribeye Steak, Medium High Med.-Rare 4-5 min. Turn halfway
12 oz. each, 1/2" thick Medium 5-6 min. through cooking time.
Well 6-7 min.
Ribeye Steak, Medium High Med.-Rare 7-8 min. Turn halfway
8 oz. each, 1" thick Medium 8-9 min. through cooking time.
Well 9-10 min.
T-bone Steak, Medium High Med.-Rare 5-6 min. Turn halfway
6 oz. each, 1/2" thick Medium 6-7 min. through cooking time.
Well 7-8 min.
T-bone Steak, Medium High Med.-Rare 8-9 min. Turn halfway
8 oz. each, 1" thick Medium 9-10 min. through cooking time.
Well 10-11 min.
Beef Kabobs Medium Well 15-20 min. Marinate in oil and
seasoning. Turn often
during cooking time.
Pork Chops, bone-in, Medium Low Med. 6-7 min. Turn halfway
4-6 oz. each, 1/2" thick Well 8-9 min. through cooking time.
Pork Chops, boneless, Medium Low Med. 16-17 min. Turn halfway
8 oz. each, 1 1/4" thick Well 18-19 min. through cooking time.
Bacon Medium Well 9-15 min. Turn frequently while
Pork Sausage Patties, Medium Well 6-8 min. Turn halfway
1 1/2 oz. each, 1/2" thick through cooking time.
Spare Ribs, 1 slab, Low Well 50-60 min. Parboil for 15 minutes
each pc 3 rib sections before putting on grill.
Cook 30 minutes,
turn halfway through
cooking time. Add
barbeque sauce. Turn
after 10-15 minutes
and add sauce to
other side. Cook
another 10-15 min.
PLEASE NOTE: The USDA recommends that meats such as beef and lamb, etc. should be cooked to an
internal temperature of 145˚ - 170˚F, pork should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160˚F -170˚F,
and poultry products should be cooked to an internal temperature of 170˚F - 180˚F to be sure any harm-
ful bacteria has been killed. When reheating meat/poultry products, they should also be cooked to an
internal temperature of at least 165˚F.
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