
Press ENTER to start play of the next trick.
Enter a card, as before, and continue to play
until all 13 tricks have been taken.
1.6 Checking Out the Results
After the last trick has been won, the result
will be shown. Note that the result displays
will be different, depending on the type of
Bridge you're playing.
a. Team of Four Results
To help you understand the results of these
games, take a look at the following
Result: W 3
r = / EW 120
Line 1 shows declarer playing , in
a contract of 3
r , bid and made (=).
Line 2 gives East/West 120 points.
Result: N 4
q -2 / NS 50
Line 1 shows declarer playing ,
in a contract of 4
q , bid but down 2
tricks (-2). Line 2 gives North/South 50
At this point, you may press ESCAPE to
return to the Deal Menu, or press ENTER to
store the result and have the computer replay
the hand, playing all four positions.
If you press ENTER, Replaying will show
briefly, as the computer goes into Autoplay
Mode and plays the same hand again. On
completion of the last trick, you'll be
prompted to press ENTER. The results will
then be shown, as in the first game. This
time, though, Line 2 also displays the
International Match Points (e.g., N 3
e +2, and then IMP: 0).
Press ENTER once more to display the next
set of results, showing the total number of
deals and the cumulative IMP for both teams
(e.g., deals 2, and then IMP: 0/14).
Finally, press ENTER to return to the Deal
b. Rubber Bridge Results
Press ENTER after the last trick has been
completed, and the result will show on Line
1, e.g., E 4
w = (declarer playing
in a contract of 4
w , bid and made). Line 2
shows the above and below the line scores,
as in AL:0 BL:80.
At this point, you may press ESCAPE to
return to the Deal Menu, or press ENTER
repeatedly to display and store a variety of
results, as in the examples below.
o The current scores above and below the
line before a rubber is made (for North/South,
then East/West):
Total NS: / AL:150 BL:0
Total EW: / AL:0 BL:80
o The cumulative score of previous rubbers:
Total point / NS:0 EW:0.
Press ENTER or ESCAPE to return to the
Deal Menu.
1.7 Playing the Next Hand
At any time during or after game play, you
may reset for a new hand by pressing
ESCAPE. The Deal Menu will come up,
signifying that the computer is ready for
another hand, using the currently set level
and options.
Caution: Be sure not to press ESCAPE
inadvertently, as your current game will be
cleared from the computer's memory!
For a general overview of the menu options
and many of the sub-options, be sure to take
a look at the Menu System Chart.The chart
will show you how the menu system works,
and it will help you become comfortable
navigating through the menu displays. Each
of the individual menu options is also
covered in this section, or elsewhere in the
The Main Menu is the starting point, giving
you access to the other menus and game
options. As described previously in Section
1.3, the Main Menu is displayed as
PGSIBLR. The flashing character always
indicates the current option choice, and the
X key cycles through the remaining options,
as follows:
Pro Bridge manual final.qxd 2/8/2006 11:42 AM Page 11