Press to display the Runco Digital Home Cinema menu. A list of several options appears for
access to specific functions, such as Memory Banks or Image Adjustments. Press again to
remove all menus and return to the displayed source.
Press to select a highlighted item, to toggle a checkbox (checked vs. unchecked), or to accept
a parameter adjustment and return to the previous menu or image.
Press to return to the previous level, such as the previous menu.
NOTE: does not save changes within text editing boxes (including number editing of a slide-
bars) or within pull-down lists. It acts as a "cancel" in these cases.
ow Keys
The arrow keys have a variety of functions depending on the situation. Some typical uses are
described below. See also Editing Text later in Section 3.
Use or to change a slidebar value-hold as desired for contin-
uous adjustment (note the adjustment increments and range depend on the
parameter being adjusted).
Use or to change to a different option within a pull-down list
without having to display the list first.
Use or to jump between "pages", such as in Help or lengthy
pull-down lists.
Use the keys to navigate within a menu, pull-down list or text box, or to increase
decrease the value in the second (bottom) slidebar of a double slidebar.
You can also use in conjunction with certain toggle keys-i.e., those including an
asterisk symbol-to ensure a toggle only in the desired direction. When turning the projector on,
for instance, you may be too far from the projector to know whether it is really off or if the shut-
ter is merely closed. If you press and hold it for approximately 1 second in hopes of turning
the projector on, the projector will actually turn off if the projector was already on. Instead, to
avoid the risk of toggling in the wrong direction, quickly press and release normally the function
key you wish to toggle (in this case ). Then immediately (within 2 seconds) press either
as desired. The specific toggle will occur.
Toggle keys are labeled with an asterisk on the keypad. They are listed below:
+ = close the shutter (OPTIONAL)
+ = open the shutter (OPTIONAL)
+ = put the projector in standby mode
+ = leave standby
+ = turn the projector on
+ = turn the projector off