RoyalTek RGM-3000/REB-3000
GPS Module Operational Manual)
clock offset , and time .This enables the
Evaluation Unit to search for the correct
satellite signals at the correct signal
parameters . Correct initialization
parameters enable the Evaluation Unit to
acquire signals quickly.
Table 9 contains the input values for the
following example:Switch to SiRF Binary
protocol at 9600,8,N,1
$PSRF101,-2686700,-4304200, 3851624,
95000, 497260, 921, 12, 3*22
Table 9 Navigation Initialization Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $PSRF101 PSRF101 protocol header
ECEF X -2686700 Meters X coordinate position
ECEF Y -4304200 Meters Y coordinate position
ECEF Z 3851624 Meters Z coordinate position
CLK Offset 95000 Hz
Clock Offset of the Evaluation Unit
Time Of Week 497260 seconds GPS Time OF Week
Week No 921 GPS Week Number
Channel Count 12 Range 1 to 12
Reset Cfh 3 See Table 10
Checksum *22
<CR><LF> End of message termination
Use 0 for last saved value if available . If this is unavailable, a default value of 96,000 will be used…
Table 10 Reset Configuration
Hex Description
0x01 Data Valid – Warm /Hot Starts=1
0x02 Clear Ephemeris – Warm Start=1
0x04 Clear Memory – Cold Start =1
Set DGPS Port
This command is used to control Serial Port
B which is an input – only serial port used to
receive RTCM differential corrections.
Differential receivers may output corrections
using different communication parameters.
The default communication parameters for
PORT B are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, stop bit,
and no parity. If a DGPS received , the
parameters are stored in battery – backed
SRAM and then the receiver restarts using
the saved parameters.
Table 11 contains the input values for the
following example:Set DGPS Port to be
9600,8,N,1. $PSRF102,9600,8,1,0*3C
Table 11 Set DGPS Port Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $PSRF102 PSRF102 protocol header
Baud 9600 4800,9600,19200,38400
Data Bits 8 8,7
Stop Bits 1 0,1
Parity 0 0==None, 1=Odd, 2=Even
Checksum *3C
<CR><LF> End of message termination
Query/Rate Control
This command is used to control the output
of standard NMEA messages GGA, GLL,
GSA, RMC, and VTG. Using this command
message, standard NMEA messages may
be polled once, or setup for periodic output.
Checksums may also be enabled or disabled
depending on the needs of the receiving
program. NMEA message settings are saved
in battery-backed memory for each entry
when the message is accepted.