
RGM-2106 Operational Manual
2 Software Interface
2.1 NMEA V3.0 Protocol
Its output signal level is TTL. It can support the following NMEA-0183 sentence.
Messages: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC and VTG.
NMEA Output Messages: the Engine board outputs the following messages as shown in Table 2-1:
Table 2-1 NMEA-0183 Output Messages
NMEA Record Description
GGA Global positioning system fixed data
GLL Geographic position – latitude / longitude
GSA GNSS DOP and active satellites
GSV GNSS satellites in view
RMC Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
VTG Course over ground and ground speed
2.1.1 GGA-Global Positioning System Fixed Data
Table 2-2 contains the values of the following example:
$GPGGA, 161229.487, 3723.2475, N, 12158.3416, W, 1, 07, 1.0, 9.0, M, , , ,0000*18
Table 2-2 GGA Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPGGA GGA protocol header
UTC Position 161229.487 hhmmss.sss
Latitude 3723.2475 ddmm.mmmm
N/S Indicator N N=north or S=south
Longitude 12158.3416 Dddmm.mmmm
E/W Indicator W E=east or W=west
Position Fix Indicator 1 See Table 2-1
Satellites Used 07 Range 0 to 12
HDOP 1.0 Horizontal Dilution of Precision
MSL Altitude 9.0 meters
Units M meters
Geoid Separation meters
Units M meters