
RoyalTek Confidential 5
REB-4315 Operational Manual
5 Reference schematic:
For example:
(1) Ground Planes:
These pin(818202122) should be connect to ground.
(2) Serial Interface:
()The TX pin is the serial output data.<UART data transmit (TX)>
()The RX pin is the serial input data.< UART data receive (RX)>
(3) RF_IN:
Connecting to the antenna has to be routed on the PCB. The transmission line must
to be control impedance from RF_IN pin to the antenna or antenna connector of
your choice. (Impedance 50)
Recommend used Active antenna (Gain 27).
(4) Power:
Connect VCC_IN_1V8 pin to DC 1.8V. The power supply must add bypass
capacitor(10uF and 1uF).It can reduce the Noise from power supply and increase
power stability.
Shutdown the REB-4315 module, don’t remove the Vcc_IN_1V8 Pin, must be
use on/off pulse make it into Hibernate mode.(It’s will keep the Warm start
and Hot start function work well)
(5) nRESET
External reset input with internal pull-up, active low.
(6) ON/OFF