1. Product Introduction
1.1 Overview
The MBT-1100 is equipped with the latest GPS solution for fast and accurate fix
on GPS signals. This latest round of technology advancements gives the users
an “instant on” feel, and the experience in navigation becomes more natural.
The dimension of 69.5(L) x 23(W) x 20(H) and weight only 38g, making it an
ideal solution to carry everywhere.
1.2 Main Features
l NMEA0183 compliant protocol
l Extreme fast TTFF at low signal level.
l Adopt TCXO as GPS core clock source
l Industrial Standard
l Selectable Baud Rate
l WAAS / ENGOS is supported
1.3 Product Notification
l Charger operating temperature range 0 ºC to +50 ºC
l Discharger operating temperature range -20 ºC to +60 ºC
l Battery Storage temperature range -20 ºC to +60 ºC
l 10hr at full charge continuous operation mode.
l Humidity range up to 95% no condensing
1.4 Application
l PDA and Cellular Phone Navigation
l Consumer wireless GPS
l Automotive Vehicle Tracking
l Personal Positioning
l Sporting and Recreation
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