I have a question …
What does “Geotagging” actually mean?
The term “geotagging” is sometimes also referred to as “geocoding”.
Using “geotagging” e.g. photos, or videos, can be complemented with
geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude, or physical
address). This geographical identification data is saved together with
the photos. Thereby photos can be assigned easily and explicitly to
maps like GoogleMaps, or can be viewed on Google Earth.
Via the locr web site the coordinates are determined by manual
geotagging. Together with the respective photo they are stored in the
locr data base.
The locr GPS Photo software works differently. No matter whether
the coordinates have been associated using manual or automatic
geotagging, the information is written into the EXIF
header of the
photo. Suitable software can read and use this information.
What is a datalog GPS receiver and how does
it work?
A datalog GPS receiver is a device, which - as long as it is switched on
- continuously receives and logs (stores) data concerning its current
The operating mode of a datalog GPS receiver is based on the
principle of the global satellite-based positioning system (GPS).
GPS (Global Positioning System) uses satellites that permanently
emit their changing position and time. On the basis of this information
global positioning can be generated.
GPS receivers
Based on the information emitted by the satellites GPS receivers
generate their own position. Therefore they need the signals of at
least three satellites.
Datalog GPS receivers
Contrary to a “pure” GPS receiver the datalog GPS receivers store the
Exchangeable Image File Format. Specification created by the Japan Electronic Industry
Development Association (JEIDA) for the image file format used by digital cameras header of the