Wireless Router RNX-GX4 User’s Manual
h Secondary AP Info: Secondary AP Info tells you the basic information
about your Secondary AP. As you may see here, the Secondary AP has
not been enabling yet, therefore, you will see both Secondary AP
Status and SSID Broadcasting as Deny. You can enable the
Secondary AP in Secondary AP Setup (Please refers to 3.5.1 Router’s
Wireless Basic Setup for Primary AP and Secondary AP Setup)
h Statistics Info: Statistics Info tells you the basic System data such as
System Uptime, Packets transmitting numbers, and how much data
you have send out and receive.
3.4 RNX-GX4’s Internet Setup Page
Internet Setup page provides you with more detail controls and setup options on
how to connect to your Internet Service Provider as compare to the Convenient
Setup. Based on your Internet Service Provider’s internet information, you can select
three connection methods.
h DHCP user (Cable Modem)
h PPPoE user (ADSL)
h Static user