Chapter 2 Modifying a Patch
Chapter 2
Step Flanger (StepFlanger)
The Step Flanger effect is a flanger in which the flanger pitch
changes in steps. The speed at which the pitch changes can
also be specified in terms of a note-value of a specified
PreDelay: 0.0–100ms
Adjusts the time delay from when the direct sound begins
until the flanger sound is heard.
Rate: 0.05–10.0Hz Ctrl3
Adjusts the rate of modulation.
Depth: 0–127 Ctrl2
Adjusts the depth of modulation.
Feedback: -98–+98%
Adjusts the amount (%) of the flanger sound that is returned
(fed back) into the input. Negative (-) settings will invert the
Phase: 0–180deg
Adjusts the spatial spread of the sound.
Step Rate: 0.05–10.0Hz, note-value LFO, Ctrl1
Adjusts the rate (period) of pitch change. This parameter can
be set as a note-value of the tempo of the sequencer. In this
case, specify the value of the desired note.
Effect Level: 0–127 RTM
Adjusts the output level of flanger sound.
Direct Level: 0–127
Adjusts the output level of direct sound.
A phaser adds a phase-shifted sound to the original sound,
producing a twisting modulation that creates spaciousness
and depth.
Manual: 100–8kHz
Adjusts the basic frequency from which the sound will be
Rate: 0.05–10.0Hz LFO, Ctrl3
Adjusts the frequency (period) of modulation.
Depth: 0–127 Ctrl2
Adjusts the depth of modulation.
Resonance: 0–127 Ctrl1
Adjusts the amount of feedback for the phaser.
Mix: 0–127 RTM
Adjusts the ratio with which the phase-shifted sound is
combined with the direct sound.
Pan: L63–Center–R63
Adjusts the stereo location of the output sound.