Compelling, Cost-Saving Color.
Bright, bold color will revolutionize your documents.
But it doesn’t have to compromise your budget. Now, with
the eminently affordable Ricoh
SP C400DN color
laser printer, cost-conscious users can acquire a fast,
reliable color system that delivers
all the quality you expect —
and all the value
you demand.
Ricoh Aficio SP C420DN Color Laser Printer
Unmatched Quality and Cost Efficiency.
Built with a proven, award-winning color print engine,
SP C420DN Color Laser Printer delivers
the amazing quality and reliability you expect — plus the
technology you need to maximize productivity. That means
higher paper capacity, dynamic paper handling and a powerful
print controller. Plus, the highly affordable Ricoh Aficio
SP C420DN still offers the lowest cost per page in its class.