Operating Instructions Administrator Reference
add_sess_ipx: session_ipx<community name> not defined.
A requested community name is not defined.
An anonymous login has been made with a password
<password> from the host <IP address>.
anpd start. (AppleTalk) An anpd (AppleTalk Network Package Daemon) has
Attach FileServer =<file server name> Attached to the file server as a nearest server.
Attach to print queue <print queue name> (In print server mode) Attached to the print queue name.
Cannot create service connection (In remote printer mode) Cannot establish a connection
with the file server. The number of file server users may
exceed the maximum number that the file server can han-
Cannot find rprinter (<print server name>/<printer
The printer having the number displayed on the print
server does not exist. Make sure that the number of the
printer is registered in the print server.
Change IP address from DHCP Server. The IP address changes when DHCP LEASE is renewed.
To always assign the same IP address, set a static IP ad-
dress to the DHCP server.
child process exec error! (process name) Failed to start the network service. Turn the printer off
and then on. If this does not work, contact your service or
sales representatives.
Connected DHCP Server(<DHCP server address>). The IP address was successfully received from the DHCP
connection from <IP address> Logged on from the host <IP address>.
Message Description and Solutions