Operating Instructions Client Reference
❒ Printers that respond to a broadcast from the computer will be displayed. To print to a
printer not listed here, click [Specify Address], and then type the NetBEUI address. Confirm
the NetBEUI address on the network is on the configuration page. For more information
about printing the configuration page, see “Printing a Configuration Page” in the Adminis-
trator Reference. NetBEUI address appears as “\\RNPxxxx\xxx” on the configuration
page. Type the printer's network path name in the form of "%%Computer name\Share
name". Do not type "\\" as head characters but "%%".
❒ You cannot print to printers beyond routers.
A Click [IPP].
The IPP settings dialog box appears.
B To specify the IP address of the printer, type "http://printer's-ip-address/ printer" or
"ipp://printer's-ip-address/printer" in the [Printer URL] field.
(Example IP address is
C As necessary, type the names to distinguish the printer in [IPP Port Name]. Type a different
name from those of any existing port name.
If you omit this, the address typed in [Printer URL] will be set as the IPP port name.
D If a proxy server and IPP user name are used, click [Detailed Settings], and then configure
the necessary settings.
❒ For more information about these settings, see SmartNetMonitor for Client online Help.
E Click [OK].