Message List
Printer <printer name> has no queue (In print server mode) The print queue is not
assigned to the printer. Using NWAdmin, as-
sign the print queue to the printer, and then re-
start it.
pserver start. (NetWare) (In print server mode) NetWare service has
Required computer name (<Computer
name>) is duplicated name
The same computer name is detected on the
network. The start job determines the compu-
ter name by adding the computer name to the
suffix (0,1....). Configure a new computer
name that is unique.
Required file server (<file server name>) not
Cannot find the required file server.
restarted. LPD has started.
sap enable, saptype=<SAP type>, sap-
name=<SAP name>
The SAP function has started. The SAP (SAP
type and SAP name) packet is issued to adver-
tise the service on the SAP table on the Net-
Ware server.
Set context to <NDS context name> A <NDS context name> has been set.
shutdown signal received. network service re-
Rebooting the network service.
smbd start. (NetBEUI) An smbd (SMB (Server Message Block) serv-
ice) has started.
Snmp over ip is ready. Communication over TCP/IP with SNMP is
Snmp over IP over 1394 is ready. Communication over IP over 1394 with SNMP
is available.
Snmp over ipx is ready. Communication over IPX with SNMP is avail-
snmpd start. SNMP service has started.
started. Direct print service has started.
The print server received error <error
number> during attempt to log in to the net-
work.Access to the network was denied.Verify
that the print server name and password are
Cannot log in to the file server. The print serv-
er is not registered or the password is speci-
fied. Register the print server without
specifying a password.
win2kspd protocol-DOWN (APPEXIT). NVRAM setting ioctl (SPIO CAPPEXIT) of de-
vice SBP2TSP was set by protocol-DOWN.
SCSI print is not receiving data.
win2kspd protocol-UP (APPENTRY). NVRAM setting ioctl (SPIO CAPPENTRY) of
device SBP2TSP was set by protocol-UP.
SCSI print is not receiving data.
Message Description and Solutions