
Interface format
1. Communication method RS-232C, 9600 bps, No Parity, Data Length: 8 bits;
Stop Bit Length: 1 bit
2. Communication format
STX (02 h) Command (3 Byte) ETX (03 h)
Only 1 command valid per communication.
3. Data format
For input commands, only ASCII-compliant all-
uppercase alphanumeric characters supported.
4. Replies Acknowledge
ACK (06 h) CR(0 Dh) Data
... Normally ended
ACK (06 h) ESC(1 Bh)
... Aborted
No acknowledge
NAK (15 h)
If commands are to be sent consecutively, wait for the response from the projector
before sending the next command.
Main Commands
Item Command
Power on PON
Power off POF
Icon display on MO0
Icon display off MO1
Auto setting (RGB input) PAT
Status display on DON
Status display off DOF