This prevents InfoPrint XT from verifying the carriage controls in the first
few records of the job and it passes the value of the xcc parameter to
[xrecfm= fixed | variable]
Specifies the record format of the records in the job. For fixed length
records, as specified by xrecfm=fixed, the xlrecl parameter specifies the
length of the record. This is the default. xrecfm=variable specifies that the
records are variable length, with a 2-byte length field at the beginning of
each record. The record length does not include the 2-byte length field
[xrptfile=. | path\file]
Specifies the path and file in which InfoPrint XT writes a report of all
DJDEs found in the job. Specifying xrptfile=. causes InfoPrint XT to write
the report to the x2afp.djde file in the working directory for the job. The
default working directory for the job is either %PDXTWORKDIR%\jobs\
ServerName_JobIdentifier or %PDXTWORKDIR%\jobs\jobname-jobID-n. If
you do not specify this parameter, InfoPrint XT does not generate a DJDE
If you specify a path, make sure that it is the full path. You cannot
use a relative path with the xrptfile parameter.
[xshading=xerox | grayscale | [lp]:[mp]:[hp]]
Controls how InfoPrint XT interprets Xerox shading when it converts the
Xerox data stream and any inline FRMs that FILE DJDEs specify. Valid
values are:
xerox InfoPrint XT emulates Xerox shading and produces raster dot
patterns in the AFP that it generates. This is the default.
InfoPrint XT uses Logical Page and Object Area Coloring to
substitute grayscale for the standard shading characters in FRMs. It
uses default percentages of grayscale coverage for the levels of
Xerox shading:
Five percent (5%) coverage.
Ten percent (10%) coverage.
Fifteen percent (15%) coverage.
InfoPrint XT substitutes grayscale for the Xerox shading and uses
the coverage percentages you specify. For each position in the
value, you can specify an integer from 0 through 100:
lp The coverage percentage that InfoPrint XT uses for LIGHT
mp The coverage percentage that InfoPrint XT uses for
MEDIUM shading.
hp The coverage percentage that InfoPrint XT uses for HEAVY
100 InfoPrint XT Guide