Color Creation
Color Creation
Color Conversion—Converting a Selected Color into a Different Color
This function converts a selected color of an original into a different color on the copy.
For copy samples, ☛ see page 17.
❐ Up to 4 colors can be converted at one time.
❐ Colors you can convert to:
Yellow, Red, Magenta, Green, Cyan, Blue, Black, White, and Scanned Color (only one Scanned Color can be selected
at a time)
❐ Colors that can be used after conversion:
Yellow, Orange, Red, Magenta, Green, Cyan, Blue, Yellow Green, Black, White, Beige, Pink, Marine Blue, Purple,
User colors, and Scanned Color
❐ This function can be made more or less sensitive to the color to be converted. It can be adjusted within five levels from
“Narrow” to “Wide”. ☛ See page 197.
For example, if red is selected as the color to be converted, “Narrow” will result in only red being converted, and “Wide”
will result in other colors close to red being converted.
❐ This function can be used in Full Color mode.
❐ When using Color Conversion and Color Erase together, you can only choose Scanned Color for one of these func-
tions only.
Press the [Color Creation] key.
Press the [Color Conversion] key.