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found at infoprint.com
The RICOH mark is a registered trademark of
Ricoh Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies;
InfoPrint Solutions Company is a trade name of
InfoPrint Solutions Company, LLC in the United States,
other countries, or both. INFOPRINT and INFOPRINT
SOLUTIONS are trademarks of InfoPrint Solutions
Company LLC; the IBM Logo is a registered trademark
of International Business Machines Corporation. The
RICOH and IBM marks are used under licence from
their respective trademark owners.
InfoPrint, Intelligent Printer Data Stream and IPDS are
trademarks of InfoPrint Solutions Company in the
United States, other countries, or both.
IBM and AIX are trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation in the United States, other
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Adobe, PostScript and PostScript 3 are either
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Other company, product and service names may be
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Exact speed varies depending on document
complexity, system configuration, software
application, driver and printer state.
See user documentation for specific media types,
weights and sizes that are supported.
InfoPrint Solutions Company does not recommend
printing this monthly maximum on a consistent basis.
The IQ enhancement, whether 1200 or 2400, is a
special print mode designed to vary the intensity of
each individual printed dot by manipulating its size to
produce the appearance of greater print resolution
within the limitation of a set number of dpi.
Not all versions are supported. Contact your sales
representative for a detailed list of supported
Assumes five percent coverage per page. Yields are
provided for planning purposes and are not a
guarantee of minimum life; actual yields may vary.
Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 19752.
References in this publication to InfoPrint Solutions
Company products, programs or services do not imply
that InfoPrint Solutions Company intends to make
these available in all countries in which InfoPrint
Solutions Company operates. InfoPrint Solutions
Company hardware products are manufactured from
new parts, or new and used parts. In some cases, the
hardware product may not be new and may
have been previously installed. Regardless,
InfoPrint Solutions Company warranty terms apply.
©Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2007
All Rights Reserved.
07-IPSTG-000488 (05/07) AD