Choke Tubes
Never install or remove choke tubes while the firearm is loaded. Only install or remove choke tubes with the firearm unloaded, the action open
and the trigger block safely engaged.
Screw in Chokes Symbols/Markings
(This is an option – not all Model 100 shotguns have this feature)
The end of the choke tubes are marked with slashes to identify the choke construction:
/ - Full
// - Improved Modified
/// - Modified
//// - Improved Cylinder
CI - Cylinder
Shooting with a loose choke tube can cause damage to your shotgun.
Additional Information On Screw Choke Tubes:
A. Only tighten or loosen choke tubes with flat key wrench supplied with shotgun. Note: wrench (and extra
choke tube or tubes if supplied) are under the cardboard in front of the shotgun receiver in the box.
B. Never shoot the SPR 220H shotgun with a partially installed choke tube.
C. Model SPR 220H shotguns are available with fixed choke or screw choke barrels. There are two types of
screw chokes available: lead shot choke tubes and steel shot choke tubes. When installed, steel shot
choke tubes protrude approximately
” from the muzzle end of the barrel and the mating lip will be flush
with the end of the barrel. When installed, lead shot choke tubes fit flush with or slightly below the
muzzle end of the barrel. If you have lead shot choke tubes and intend to shoot steel shot cartridges or
slugs, then you must use only the IC or Cylinder tubes. DO NOT fire steel shot or slugs in Modified,
Improved Modified or Full lead shot choke tubes. If you have steel shot choke tubes, you may fire steel
shot cartridges through any of those choke tubes. DO NOT fire slugs in Modified, Improved Modified or
Full lead shot choke tubes or steel shot choke tubes.
D. Correctly installed choke tubes: Lead shot choke tubes should fit flush or slightly below the muzzle end
of the barrel. Steel shot choke tubes will protrude out from the barrel about
” and the mating lip will be
flush with bar
rel end.
E. Before using the SPR 220H shotgun make sure that the choke tubes are installed correctly.
F. Keep choke tubes lubricated and installed. Never fire the gun without a choke tube installed. Handle choke
tubes carefully since the leading edge is very thin.