the wax has melted,if desired. Once wax is melted,do not move unit as spillage may
10. NOTE: Paraffin Spa has an auto shut-off feature in timer mode.The unit will
automatically shut off within 6 hours of reaching 00:00.After 6 hours,the unit will
have to be turned back on to use.
11. To change the temperature of the Deluxe Paraffin Spa while in Timer countdown mode,press
the “AUTO” button and the display will show the temperature level (LOW-MED-HIGH) for 5
seconds. Within the 5 seconds, you can change the temperature of your Deluxe Paraffin Spa
by pressing the “TEMP” key until the desired temperature setting shows on the display (LOW,
MED, HIGH).The newly selected temperature will continue to flash on the display for a few
seconds and then the display will go back to showing the countdown time. NOTE: TIMER
12. To abort the Timer mode and commence melting immediately, simply press the “TEMP”
button once. Then,press the “TEMP” button again until desired melt temperature appears on
How to Use the Pumice Wand
File clean,dry feet with gentle strokes until rough, hard skin is removed.Use the coarse side
for hard, callused skin,the fine side for rough, dry skin.
How to Dip Feet
1. With the unit filled to the “max” line, it takes approximately 8–10 uses ( 5 dips per foot per
for the wax to fall below the “ m i n ”l i n e . Do not allow wax to fall below the “ m i n ” line or over the
“ m a x ”l i n e .
2. Wash and thoroughly dry feet. For ultimate softness, use the pumice wand (see “How to
use pumice wand” instructions) and/or add your favorite lotion to your feet, hands or
elbows and rub in gently prior to dipping. Important:Do not use a heat activated or
heat sensitive lotion.
3 . Test the temperature of the wax by dabbing a small amount on the inside of your wrist. If wax
seems too hot, s i m p ly select a lower temperature by pressing the “T E M P” button until the desired
t e m p e r ature setting (LOW,M E D ,H I G H) shows on the display. It will take ap p r o x i m at e ly one hour
(from HIGH temperature) for Paraffin Spa to reach the MED temperature and 2 hours (from HIGH
t e m p e r ature) for the Paraffin Spa to reach the LOW temperat u r e .
4 . Place the plastic foot rest in the Paraffin Spa if desired.
5 . S l o w ly immerse your foot into the Paraffin Spa chamber. Let the paraffin solidify on your fo o t .
Wait at least three seconds (until the paraffin no longer appears shiny) before redipping.
6 . Continue to dip your foot in and out of the wax, following Step 5, to build up layers of paraff i n .
For the best results, do this at least five times. The more lay e r s , the longer the heat will last.
7. To treat your hands or elbows, follow steps as outlined for feet.For hands, slowly immerse
with fingers spread slightly apart.
8. To prolong the heat therapy on your feet, see instructions on “How to use your insulated
cotton booties and liners.” To prolong the heat therapy on your hands,see instructions on
“How to use your insulated cotton mitts and liners ( select models).
9. After your treatment is complete,remove the booties or mitts see “How to use your cotton
booties or cotton mitts”instructions). Note: cotton mitts only included in select
models. Remove the plastic liners (see “How to use your cotton booties or cotton mitts”
instructions) and discard.Peel the hardened wax from your feet, hands or elbows.Or, use
the removal wand included to help remove the wax from your feet. It is recommended
that the hardened wax be discarded due to the buildup of dead skin cells attached
to the wax. However, you may put the hardened wax back in the chamber, if
1 0 . M a s s age in the oils left on your feet, hands or elbows after the wax is peeled off to get the full
i n v i g o r ating and rejuvenating benefits of your Paraffin Wax Tr e at m e n t .
1 1 . As soon as you have completed your wax treat m e n t ,turn the unit off and unplug it.A f t e r
u n p l u gging the Paraffin Spa, remove the plastic foot rest. If the foot rest is not remov e d ,
the next time you heat up the Paraffin Spa, the wax will take longer to melt.
H o w e v e r, this will not be noticeable in the timer mode as the timer is programmed
to compensate for this. If you discard the used wax after each use, we recommend you
clean out the unit completely after 40 uses. If you re-use the wax after every use, we recom-
mend you clean out the unit completely after 20 uses. (See “Cleaning Instructions”).
1 2 . I f , at this time, cleaning is not necessary,s i m p ly allow wax to harden completely and then
cover unit and put aw ay until next usag e .When you are ready to use the Deluxe Paraffin Spa
ag a i n ,s i m p ly remove from storag e , plug unit into a polarized outlet of proper voltag e , turn unit
“ o n ” by following the “How to Commence Melting Immediat e ly ” instructions or “How to
Commence Melting Later in the Day ” and “How to Set Ti m e r ”i n s t r u c t i o n s .