
COSMAC VIP has been created by Joe Weisbecker of
the RCA Laboratories, Princeton, N.J. so that everyone can
have fun and useful personal computer experiences. The
elegant and simple hardware system design and the
powerful video output together with the customized CHIP-8
language interpreter constitute a fresh and promising
approach to personal computers.
If questions arise regarding the VIP software or
hardware, write to
RCA Solid State Division
Box 3200
Somerville, N.J. 08876
or telephone
Area code 201 526-6141
Information furnished by RCA is believed to be accurate
and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by
RCA for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or
other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
No license is granted by implication or otherwise under
any patent or patent rights of RCA.
Trademarks Registered
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