Voicemail Activation
NOTE: You must purchase a Skype voicemail
subscription at www.skype.com to use this
1. From theFrom the idle screen, presspress to enter the main menu.
2. Press and to select Settings.
3. Press and select Call divert.
4. Press and to select Voicemail.
5. Press and to select the required option (Yes, No).
Welcome Message
Create a personal voicemail greeting
Skype voicemail has a default voicemail greeting.
You can also create your personal welcome greeting to, which will
be played back to people calling you whenever you are not unable
to answer the call.
1. From theFrom the idle screen, presspress to enter the main menu.
2. Press and to select Settings.
3. Press and to select Call divert.
4. Press and to select Welcome message.
5. Press to select Options.
6. Press Record new to record your welcome greeting, and press
Play to hear the recorded message recorded.
You can limit whom you wish to accept a Skype or SkypeIn call
from. Your choices are:
1. From theFrom the idle screen, presspress to enter the main menu.
2. Press and to select Settings.
3. Press and to select Privacy.
4. Press to select Skype calls, then press and select
your preferred privacy status for incoming Skype calls (Anyone,
Contacts, If details shared).
Anyone: All Skype users can call you, even users not on your
Contact list.