
Operation with Full Function Handset
To exit without deleting, press the SQ UP/DOWN key until DEL? N
is displayed. If the list has no stations entered, the message PHNBOOK
IS EMPTY HOLD DOWN CLR KEY is displayed. Press and hold
the CLR key for 3 seconds to exit Menu mode.
Modifying the List of Shore Stations
In this operation, a shore station is registered (added) to or deleted from
the phonebook list.
1. Follow instructions in Modifying the MMSI Number List
(PHNBOOK) to enter the phonebook.
2. When SHORE is displayed, press the ENT key. SHO appears on the
7-segment display, while on the dot matrix display shows ENTRY.
3. The ENTRY selection is used to register (add) an item to the list. Press
the ENT key to accept.
The list can hold a maximum of 20 entries. If a list is already full or if
the list becomes full during this process, the indicator PHNBOOK IS
FULL is displayed.
4. To delete an item from the list, use the SQ UP/DOWN key to select
DELETE and press the ENT key. If no station has yet been registered,
the message PHNBOOK IS EMPTY is displayed.
Note: Pressing and holding the CLR key for 3 seconds during either
ENTRY or DELETE returns operation to the mode before the Menu
operation began.