
Chapter 4: The User Interface and controls 33
Application information box
Application information boxes contain information about various functions,
such as route details.
4.5 Changing what you see on the screen
You can show more than one application on a page. RayTech contains pre-
set page options for displaying up to three applications on a page, each in
a separate pane. There is also a custom option that allows you to split a
page either horizontally or vertically and display a different application in
each pane:
To open a pre-set page:
1. Select File/Open New Page. The Open New Page dialog box is
2. Click on the pre-set page layout required.
3. Click OK. The new page will open in the selected layout.
To open new custom page:
1. Select File/Open New Page. The Open New Page dialog box is
2. Click Custom.
3. Click OK. A new blank page will open with the application icons
4. Double click the icon for the application you want to open. The appli-
cation will open in a full page format.
5. Right click on the page status bar and select Split Horizontally/
Split Vertically.
6. Click the split style you require.
34 RayTech RNS V6.0 - Users Guide
7. The open application will move to the bottom pane (horizontal split),
or to the right hand pane (vertical split). The application icons will
appear in the new pane.
8. Double click the required application icon to open it in the pane.
Moving around a split page
When you open a page that has been split you need to be able to activate a
different pane within the page.
The pane that you are working in is known as the ‘active’ pane, and has a
blue border around the edge of it.
The softkeys displayed in the function bar are the top level softkeys for that
application. To make another pane active within a page, click the ACTIVE
button on the Pathfinder panel. The blue border will move to the next
pane and the softkeys will change to the top level for that application. To
change the active pane, just click the ACTIVE button until the application
you want to work in is highlighted.