3-26 Raynav 300 GPS Plotter
4. Press the MAKE ROUTE soft key; the make route soft keys are dis-
played as shown in Figure 3-31.
Figure 3-31: Make Route Soft Keys
5. Move the cursor to the position on the plotter where the first waypoint
is to be placed, then press the PLACE WAYPOINT soft key; the new
waypoint appears on the screen at the cursor position.
A new waypoint is temporarily added to the Waypoint List with the
first available waypoint number. The waypoints in the current route
are re-numbered to identify the new positions. The number shown
adjacent to the waypoint identifies its position in the route.
Note: The cursor can be positioned on an existing waypoint - the text
WPT indicates that the existing waypoint is being re-used rather than
placing a new one. Press PLACE WAYPOINT to include this waypoint in the
route. If you Clear the route before it is Saved, the waypoint is removed.
6. Move the cursor to the next waypoint position. A dotted line connects
the cursor to the last placed waypoint.
7. Press PLACE WAYPOINT again. The waypoint is placed and the dotted
line changes to a solid line.
If you placed the waypoint incorrectly, you can delete the last-placed
waypoint by pressing the UNDO WAYPOINT soft key.
8. Repeat steps (6) and (7) until you have placed all your waypoints. Up
to 50 waypoints can be included in a route.
9. To remove a waypoint move the cursor over it and press UNDO WAY-
POINT; the waypoint is removed and the cursor is placed over the pre-
vious waypoint.
10. When all waypoints have been entered, press the ACCEPT ROUTE soft
key (or ENTER) to complete the route.
The new route is displayed on the screen and becomes the current
route, but it is not yet active.
➤ To use a combination of the Cursor and Route Building Table methods,
alternate between them using the USE CURSOR/USE WPT LIST soft key.
When in the plotter screen, the first waypoint of a new route is outlined
with a square, indicating that it will be the target waypoint when the route
is activated. If selected, the waypoint data box is displayed for the target