
DA25 11
Although we know that you are anxious to complete the assembly of your an-
tenna kit, it is necessary to assemble it in a specific order to insure the proper
operation of the finished unit. Try to avoid the urge to jump ahead installing
Since you may appreciate some warm-up soldering practice as well as a
chance to put some landmarks on the PC board, we’ll first install some of the
larger mounting components. This will also help us to get acquainted with the
up-down, left-right orientation of the circuit board (can you do that with a circu-
lar board?). Look carefully at the component layout diagrams in the manual to
help with your assembly.
Use the boxes to check off your progress.
Check all received parts against the parts list. The parts list describes the vari-
ous markings that may be found on the kit parts. Carefully sort the parts into
small piles, (an empty egg tray does nicely for this purpose) to aid in finding the
correct part at the required time.
Enough of that… lets get started!
First we will prepare the coaxial cable for its installation to the circuit board. We
need to “break out” the two wire components of the cable. Trim about 3” of the
outer insulation from the cable, being careful not to cut through the outer braid
of wire. Using a fine pointed tool, carefully “un-braid” about 2 1/4” of the outer
conductor and fan out the loose strands of wire. Once this is accomplished, trim
back about 2” of the center insulation. Be careful not to cut through the center
conductor. You will want to trim about 1 1/2” off of the exposed braid to aid with
further installation.
Coaxial Cable
Center Insulation
Center Conductor
2 inches
3 inches