1 – Introduction
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Section 3, Step-by-Step Installation Checklist, provides a high-level
overview of the hardware and software installation procedures.
Section 4, Hardware Installation, includes instructions for installing the
QLogic QLE7140, QLE7240, QLE7280, QHT7040, and QHT7140 HCAs.
Section 5, Software Installation, includes instructions for installing the
QLogic InfiniPath and OpenFabrics software.
Appendix A, Installation Troubleshooting, contains information about issues
that may occur during installation.
Appendix B, Configuration Files, contains descriptions of the configuration
and configuration template files used by the InfiniPath and OpenFabrics
Appendix C, RPM Descriptions
Index, lists major subjects and concepts with page numbers for easy
The material in this documentation pertains to an InfiniPath cluster. A cluster is
defined as a collection of nodes, each attached to an InfiniBand™-based fabric
through the QLogic interconnect. The nodes are Linux-based computers, each
having up to 16 processors.
The QLogic HCAs are InfiniBand 4X. The Double Data Rate (DDR) QLE7240 and
QLE7280 adapters have a raw data rate of 20Gbps (data rate of 16Gbps). For the
Single Data Rate (SDR) adapters, the QLE7140 and QHT7140, the raw data rate
is 10Gbps (data rate of 8Gbps). The QLE7240 and QLE7280 can also run in SDR
The QLogic adapters utilize standard, off-the-shelf InfiniBand 4X switches and
cabling. The QLogic interconnect is designed to work with all InfiniBand-compliant
If you are using the QLE7240 or QLE7280, and want to use DDR mode,
then DDR-capable switches must be used.