5 – Maintaining the SANbox SSP
Boot Sets
5-2 SN0054628-00 A
Boot Sets
SANbox SSP allows you to install two system images on the platform at once, and
to choose which system image loads when the system boots. The two locations
where system images can be installed are called boot sets.
A valid boot set is one that has been successfully installed with a system image.
An invalid boot set is either empty or contains an image that cannot be used by
The default boot set, selected during system startup, supplies the system software
that the SANbox SSP uses when booted. You can override this default selection
from the local administrative console when the system starts. See "To select the
active boot set from the local console:" below. The selected boot set is used to boot
the system and becomes the active boot set; the boot set that was not selected is
called the inactive boot set.
To s
elect the active boot set from the local console:
1. Connect to the local administrative console using a terminal emulator, such as
2. Start or reboot the system.
After the first phase of system initialization completes, output that is similar to
the following displays:
GNU GRUB version 0.93 (630K lower / 2096128K upper memory)
0: Boot Set 1 - StoreAge SVM Version 1.1.0-8 Ide0
1: Boot Set 1 - StoreAge SVM Version 1.1.0-8 Ide0 DIAG
2: Maintenance mode - Version 1.1.0-8 Ide0
3: Maintenance mode - Version 1.1.0-8 Ide0 ip=dhcp
Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.
Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands
before booting, or 'c' for a command-line.
The selected entry is 0
Entry 0 will be booted automatically in 10 seconds.