4–NIC Noninteractive Commands
SN0054667-00 C 4-19
To test the Flash memory, issue the -testflash command as follows:
> qaucli -pr nic -testflash [cna_port_inst]
To test the hardware, issue the -testhw command as follows:
> qaucli -pr nic -testhw [cna_port_inst]
To test the interrupt, issue the -testinterrupt command as follows:
> qaucli -pr nic -testinterrupt [cna_port_inst]
To test the LED, issue the -testled command as follows:
> qaucli -pr nic -testled [cna_port_inst]
To test the link, issue the -testlink command as follows:
> qaucli -pr nic -testlink [cna_port_inst]
To test the register, issue the -testregister command as follows:
> qaucli -pr nic -testregister [cna_port_inst]
(Display Transceiver DMI Data)
To display transceiver DMI data, issue the -trans command as follows:
> qaucli -pr nic -trans [cna_port_inst]
(Update Flash (Boot & Firmware Images))
To update the Flash (boot and firmware) images, issue the -updimages
command as follows:
> qaucli -pr nic -updimages [cna_port_inst] <image_file>