
3 – Event Messages
Alarm Events
3-6 59060-02 B
(A1003.002D) (Zone Merge response indicates failure to merge, Isolating link)
Meaning: The attempt to merge two fabrics failed because each active zone
set contained a zone with the same name, but different
Action: Edit the affected zone to remove the conflict or deactivate one of
the zone sets.
(A1003.002F) (SW2 Zoning Not Supported by other switch, Isolating link)
Meaning: The inter-switch link isolated because the local switch is configured
for FC-SW-2 compliant zoning (interoperability mode set to
Standard), but the remote switch is not.
Action: Set the interoperability mode on the remote switch to Standard.
(A1003.002E) (Zoning merge has been rejected.)
Meaning: The attempt to merge two fabrics failed because each active zone
set contained a zone with the same name, but different
Action: Edit the affected zone to remove the conflict or deactivate one of
the zone sets.
(A1003.0030) (Zone Merge rejected by remote switch.)
Meaning: The zone merge failed.
Action: See the switch log for more details on why the merge failed.
(A1003.0031) (Error reading zoneset from activate direct.)
Meaning: A device supporting management server has sent an Activate
Zoneset Direct $(AZSD) command that did not follow the expected
standard layout.
Action: Contact your authorized maintenance provider.
(A1003.0032) (Zoneset zone_set_name failed validity checks (empty or contains empty
Meaning: The zone set either has no zones or contains a zone or alias
without members.
Action: Add zones and members, or remove the empty zones and aliases
from the zone set.
(A1003.0033) (No memory for command completion)
Meaning: Insufficient switch memory.
Action: Contact your authorized maintenance provider.