5–Fibre Channel Noninteractive Commands
Command Summary
SN0054667-00 C 5-5
Command Summary
This section lists and describes each command line option in alphabetic order,
followed by a command description.
(View or Toggle Beacon Status)
Use the -a command to either view (1) or change (2) the status of a beacon.
To view the adapter port’s LED beacon state, issue the following command:
# qaucli -pr fc -a (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>)(view | info)
When the adapter’s LED is flashing, the following message appears:
HBA Port x - LED Flashing is ON.
When the adapter’s LED is not flashing, the following message appears:
HBA Port x - LED Flashing is OFF.
To start or stop flashing the adapter’s LED beacon, issue the following command:
# qaucli -pr fc -a (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>)
QConvergeConsole CLI toggles the LED’s state. If the LED is flashing, the
flashing stops. If the LED is not flashing, the flashing begins.
<target id> Target ID
<lun id> Logical unit number (0–255)
<address> IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
(speed) Target link speed 1.2, 4, or 8GHz
You can use the -g command to find adapter numbers.
You assign the symbolic name. It is limited to 100 characters in length.
Adapter must not be in silent mode. See “-s (Silent Mode)” on page 5-33
to issue a response to this command.
The -a feature is not supported on QLA22xx adapters or QLE8042
Table 5-2. Command Variables (Continued)
Variable Definition Format