
© 2006 directed electronics—all rights reserved
Number Icons
When either of the channel 2, 4 or 5 outputs is activated the
appropriate icon will be displayed for five seconds.
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The remote start system operates at 434 MHz and incorporates
Directed’s proprietary XHF2 out-board Responder Technology remote
control. The high frequency combined with Binary Data communica-
tion achieves superior range with two-way communication.
system signal paging features
A page is the signal the control module sends to the remote control
as confirmation of receipt of a command or alarm system status.
When the remote control receives a page it will generate a page
notification to the user (notifications are audible beeps or remote
vibration) and the LCD Icons will display the current system status.
Command Page
When a command (arm/disarm, remote start, or auxiliary
channel) from the remote control is sent and received, the system
will send a command page back to confirm receipt.
note: When the system is in Valet mode, the remote con-
trol will show the lock (5) and unlock (6) icons, but will
not generate a command page.