Rely on Pyramid for
a complete solution.
Accuracy and precision are words associated with
state-of-the-art industrial manufacturing facilities. But if
your facility’s time keeping is sub-par, you’re risking the
quality of the products and services you produce. Filling
large orders in a short period of time and keeping costs
down are areas of primary concern for manufacturing
engineers and operations managers across the country.
With a synchronized wireless solution, your facility can:
• Achieve your profitability goals through increased
• Standardize employee arrival and departure times
• Manage workflow more accurately and get shipments
out on time
• Get the most productivity on a daily basis
Today’s businesses in all industries across the board
have transitioned from paper-based systems to
electronic ones. As a result, the importance of time
synchronization has grown significantly. With more
and more transactions conducted over networks,
the Internet, and email, the speed of business is
now determined in milliseconds. If your clocks are
not synchronized, data loss is inevitable, critical
operations will breakdown, and you will experience
severe challenges. TimeTrax Sync lets your company:
• Improve employee time management skills
• Stick to your schedule, holding meetings on time
• Reduce the cost of maintaining a wired system
• Sync with Pyramid’s Time and Attendance payroll